Jayden Lind - Portfolio

Breaking 20 year old PC game copy protection

Introduction As a kid, I used to play Taz: Wanted on my PC, but nowadays it’s impossible to play these old games as most modern PCs don’t have a CD drive. While you can easily download no-CD crack...

Monitoring homelab with Zabbix

Introduction The best way to have visbility on what is going on in your homelab is to have monitoring over everything from Networking, Storage, and Compute hosts. To do this, I have decided to u...

Implementing Terraform with vSphere

Introduction My entire homelab has been very adhoc, with VM’s in ESXi just created and then installed from a installer ISO. After working more with Kubernetes and AWS, seeing how nice it is to h...

Moving to Kubernetes

Introduction I have been running multiple Docker hosts with an assortment of containers that run random things. It was time to clean it up, define all the infrastructure, configurations, add some ...

HackTheBox - Retired

HTB - Retired walkthrough Retired box is a medium rated difficulty box, but for me personally it was a hard box. I’ve never done any sort of binary exploitation before and because of that, this ...

HackTheBox - OpenSource

HTB - OpenSource walkthrough OpenSource was a harder than initially thought box, I got lost in some rabbit holes, such as escaping the docker container, the Werkzueg console etc. Even though this ...

HackTheBox - Noter Walkthrough

Noter was an interesting box, user was easy to get, required enumerating extensively. Scanning Start off with a nmap $ nmap -sV -p- -oA Nmap scan report for

Creating Certificate for EdgeMAX device

Creating an internal CA (certificate authority), has saved the annoyance of having to click "Proceed Anyway" through Chrome or Internet Explorer every time I open up a HTTPS enabled web interface f...

Homelab Update 15/04/2020

It has been a while since my last post. I have completed some updates over the past few months to my Homelab. The biggest addition is using Docker, which was a challenging but rewarding experience....

Learning Azure

I recently discovered Windows Admin Centre and saw the integrations with Azure in it. This made me want to learn Azure, as definitely the industry is heading towards the "Cloud". After register...